Government Agencies using HOCL
Hypochlorous acid has many uses within communities as a disinfectant agent. This safe solution can be used to decon the environment and also as a preventive measure to eliminate the spread of pathogens. The solution produced by Service Wing systems is safe to apply around people, animals and the environment. It does not require personal protective equipment to apply.
Service Wing systems generate hypochlorous acid or Disinfectant on Demand (D.O.D.), under ultra efficient and patented electrochemical conditions, using a combination of water, salt and electricity. It has proven to destroy bacteria and harmful microorganisms in a short time period. Disinfectant on Demand is also listed on the EPA’s list of disinfectants for use against coronavirus.
Disinfectant on Demand can be used on a regular basis in all areas of your community:
- City Halls
- Emergency operations centers
- Fire Departments
- Police Departments
- Nursing Homes
- Schools
- Banks
- Jails
- Local businesses
- And many other public places
Contact a representative to learn more about purchasing a system, so you can produce this powerful disinfectant on-site and decon your environment.
(918) 395-0700